Saturday, December 17, 2005

It's the Cockroaches, Isn't It?

Blimey, someone please buy me a laptop and wifi so I can start posting without having to get out of bed. I mean really. Here I am, my one day (was gonna try and push it till Monday, but just talked to Mom, and looks like they'll be needing me sooner) w/o lovely little life-suckers (read:kids), and I'm actually having to get out of bed to type this. Christ on a cracker.

I was gonna go ahead and just clean the Sh*T Hole today, but man, who really wants to spend their free day doing the crap you do (or are supposed to do, whatever) on every other regular day??

Have just spent the last hour browsing through some of my favorite blogs, like this one, that one, and this here. Oh yeah, and this one, too. There are some funny ladies out there -- which is what I want to be when I grow up, btw.

Sweet Jesus -- Weekend At Bernie's just turned up on Comedy Central. How can I pass that up? I'm off to laugh and search for the goofs.

*Note To Self* MUST MUST MUST put up Christmas tree before kids return. Remember, Christmas is for the kids, Christmas is for the kids, Christmas is for the kids...(repeat as needed)

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