Thursday, September 15, 2005

Snip, Snip!!!

Well, nothing like a good old fashioned PREGNANCY SCARE to inspire your husband to make a vasectomy appointment!! That's right folks, for the past week we have been on pins and needles about whether or not we were pregnant again. Now don't get me wrong -- we love our kiddos, but like a very wise mother of four once told me, "once you've got 3 kids, you're outnumbered!" Never one to enjoy loss of control, I've been quite concerned, but luckily today we found out it was just a scare!! However, Shawn has made an appointment to see Dr. Dick Chop (he swears that is his real name) next week. Thank God!!!

On a lighter note, I was tickled yesterday afternoon when Ryan started jumping up and down, squealing with delight about the "wonderful sparkly fairy crystals" in the air (aka: dust particles). Now you tell me, how could I go and rid her of these wonderful crystals, especially when they bring her such delight???? Guess I'll just have to sacrifice and put off dusting for a while!! :) A positive parent looks at her kitchen and sees it as HALF-CLEAN!!!!!!


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