Saturday, September 17, 2005

Jesus Loves Me

Our life must be God's "Must See TV" for comedy -- he just never lets up!! Jaxson has had a little bit of a cold this week -- a little runny nose and hoarse voice, but nothing else. Last night I was talking to Shawn about how cute Jax's hoarse voice is, but only because it clearly wasn't hurting him or anything. So sure enough, I was up with him half the night last night -- his cute little hoarse voice has turned into a cough, and the poor guy couldn't sleep. He's not running a fever or anything, and he actually is sleeping right now, so hopefully this will clear up soon! Ryan is loving it, though -- because Mommy is so tired today, I've been saying "yes" to just about every request. Watch a movie? Yes! Chocolate cake for lunch? Why not!? I'm still in the running for Mother of the Year, right???

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