Thursday, March 2, 2006

Will Work For Golf Balls

I took Ryan with me to my Habitat meeting tonight. She'd come with me to the last one out of neccessity, and had so much fun playing with other kids that she hasn't stopped talking about it since. Every time we pass the church where it was held she asks me if I remember "that meeting we went to". Every. Time.

So anyway, Shawn won't let me take her downtown to feed the homeless (yet), so I was happy to let her tag along. Turns out she was very much needed. They changed our meeting room at the last minute and needed us to stand by the entrance in order to direct people to the new room, which also involved taking the elevator.

Enter Ryan. Nothing like a loud, chocolatey-faced little blonde girl welcoming you into "God' s Elevator" to help take the need for housing off your mind.

Our little social worker, helping the world one elevator ride at a time.

Speaking of social workers, I've recently decided to start working on my masters in Social Work so that I can do some good in the work force when the kids become school age and I am no longer needed by anyone. (cause that's what happens, right? I'm right, right? hello?)

Shawn is always nagging me about going back to work once they get older, but I'm burnt out on teaching (those 3 years were, like, bitchin' and all), and would really like to get paid to help people, so I thought, "What a great chance I've been given! Shawn will be so excited that I've found my calling and will finally be able to contribute to the family!" Seriously, I was on my way to calling Oprah and letting her know all about my "Ah-Ha" moment.

Want to hear his response to my super-charged, you- should- be- able- to- tell- how- excited- I- am- about- this- by- the- way- I'm- shaking, sweating, panting, and waking- you- at- 2- am- to- talk- about- it-announcement???

"Really? Social work? I was thinking you could do something like real estate or, you know, like something at a golf course."

Of course he was.


Anonymous said...

Did you let him know that it was your "ah-ha" moment not his for you. :)Men........

C said...

ha! My husband is still praying that I'll be called to become a masseuse!